Espaciel, an innovative company made in France

>> Espaciel a French product

The industrial startup – The new challenges of tomorrow

The Espaciel team (photo Claude Waeghemacker)

Many scientific discoveries are made every day in the world. Inventions that seemed like utopian dreams 20 years ago are already part of our daily lives. Technologies are evolving faster and faster and with them the industrial world.

There are many challenges in this area that we see every day and companies have to try to meet them. In addition to offering innovative products, they must think of new ways of operating to adapt to the changes in the world in which they evolve.

Innovation at the heart of the industrial world

With the development of digital technology, the way we see the world has changed. It is now very easy to exchange information from one end of the planet to the other in a few seconds. The account book has given way to the spreadsheet and 3D modeling software has replaced some of the drawing boards in design offices.

The mastery and development of these tools are part of the challenges of the industrial world. These new tools have enabled us to save time on certain repetitive tasks and allow us to go further in many areas.

However, while it is now easier than ever to exchange information, this makes the issue of intellectual property increasingly complex. Indeed, companies are now competing with the rest of the world and not just on a local scale.

If the most important stake of the industrial world is the development of innovative products, keeping the exclusivity of these inventions and protecting the innovation comes in close second. Thus, devices such as patents or designs have been invented to protect industrial and intellectual property.

Medal awarded by WIPO to Espaciel

The Light Reflector – an innovative product made in France

Espaciel’s objective is to light up your home from a brilliant idea. In 2009, our company received a prize from the World Intellectual Property Organization during the Lépine competition in Paris for its use of new tools to guarantee intellectual property. Espaciel holds several patents in France and abroad which allow us to offer a unique and innovative product.

Thus, the research and development work of our team of engineers has enabled us to develop our Reflector, an easy-to-install product that is 30% more reflective than an ordinary mirror while being unbreakable. In addition to having a 100% French design, Espaciel strives to choose industrial partners in the fabric of local businesses. Thus, we can offer you an innovative product Made In France, with the level of requirement and the quality that we expect.

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