Espaciel fundraising – Take part on Sowefund!

Dear friends, associates and clients,

It is thanks to you that Espaciel has been developing since the beginning. We are counting on your support to take us to the next level.

With more than 10,000 reflectors sold in 25 countries, our innovations have been a real success with private customers. Now it is the professionals who are discovering our natural lighting solutions.

Espaciel is betting on this development axis to increase its market and accelerate its development. To do this, we are raising funds from our community, friends, prospects and customers.

Investment intention

We are happy to involve you in this operation. Here are 4 quick questions to find out your expectations and investment intentions.


Your comments and suggestions are welcome in the questionnaire or directly by mail on

Take part in Espaciel and join the adventure!

Online investment on the Sowefund platform

To join us, you can make your investment directly online on the Sowefund website. You can also indicate your intention to invest and finalise the transaction later.

#1 – You need to register on Sowefund to have access to the Espaciel fundraising presentation file.


The Espaciel campaign on Sowefund is private. It can only be accessed through the following link.

#2 – Once you have registered, go to the Sowefund Espaciel page to read the Espaciel file and make your investment:


We look forward to having you join us in the Espaciel adventure!


Espaciel fundraising visual with two Solar-Patient Reflectors

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