2017, a very mediatic beginning of the year for Espaciel – Videos and Articles

2017, a very mediatic beginning of the year for Espaciel – Videos and Articles

The beginning of 2017 is very intense for Espaciel. From France 3 to Echos via Europe 1, 20 minutes and M-Habitat, Espaciel spent a week in the spotlight, or rather in the spotlight! Through different themes: advice, testimonials, objectives, Made in France, the company, we revealed ourselves like an open book. And we look forward to continuing to write the adventure with you!

La matinale d’Europe 1 : le concept, les conseils et anecdotes

Every morning, Anicet Mbida presents the most beautiful French inventions and we are proud to be part of it! Find around this 1 minute 30 minute chronicle, the concept, advice and anecdotes of Espaciel.

«A good idea for bringing natural light into dark or poorly oriented rooms.»




France 3: customer, production and company testimonials

After a day of filming with the whole France 3 team, discover in this video a customer testimonial, the “Made in France” production in collaboration with the E.S.A.T (Etablissement et Service d’Aide par le Travail, formerly CAT) and the Espaciel team in these new premises in Lille.

2-minute report in the “innovation” category.




20 minutes: company background, fundraising and new features

The daily news paper in Lille reports on Espaciel’s 2017 news, our history but also on the 500,000 euro fundraiser to accelerate our development.

Many beautiful things are coming!


Read the article 20 minutes


Café digitale, Les Echos: interview with Alexi Hervé, founder of Espaciel

And here is the exchange between Neïla Beyler, journalist at Les Echos and Alexi Hervé, founder of Espaciel.

During this interview, Alexi Hervé highlights the concept and characteristics of light reflectors.

A good start to show you how Espaciel fits in with urban ecology and the third industrial revolution.

Did you know that? Today we have passed the 2,000 mark in over 15 countries.




M-Habitat : operation and installation

Created in 2014, M-habitat is the reference website dedicated to the world of the home and we are happy to be part of it!

Find out more about Espaciel light reflectors, especially about the installation which does not require any specific work.

As for maintenance, simply wipe with a damp cloth. As simple as installing a reflector!


Read the m-habitat article!

Discover our Youtube channel as fast as the light!

    Do you still have questions or would you like personal advice?

    Don’t hesitate, our lighting consultants are there for you. Write to us at tips 2017info@espaciel.com or click on the link below.


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