Natural light to combat lack of energy

>> Consequences of the lack of natural light on health


Lack of energy in winter, a clear statement

Who has never felt a flagrant lack of energy in winter? Not wanting to get up and stay under the duvet all day is something that has happened to everyone.


This lack of energy has of course a source and a simple and effective solution.


Lack of energy: several causes

During the winter, it is quite normal to have no energy. Bad weather such as rain or the absence of sunlight during the day can cause our spirits to drop. This problem is often called seasonal depression. This results in a lowering of morale and also has the effect of an obvious lack of energy.


During the winter, we are confronted with capricious weather that alternates between rain, snow, storm and cold.


How many times have you heard yourself say: “It’s a bad day to go out”? This is the lack of energy talking.


Also, during the winter, our body does not have the chance to fill up with energy thanks to light.


This light, which is sorely lacking in winter, has the effect of recharging our batteries through a complex process.


The vitamin D that our body contains needs light to be activated. Without this light, there is no active vitamin D in the body and therefore a lack of energy.

two mans walking in a snowy path illuminated by the sun
With light and sunshine, a walk in the cold becomes easier

This lack of light also has the effect of disrupting our organism and especially the day/night cycle of our brain. Indeed, in the office all day, we don’t have the chance to enjoy the few rays of light. As a result, our body lets us know and a lack of energy sets in, coupled with a lack of sleep.


Natural light against lack of energy

To help us through this period, several tricks can be in place to help our body. In winter it is important to eat healthily even if dishes with sauce are legion in this period.


Don’t hesitate to optimise your sleep. Even if you feel like staying at home, you have to take the bull by the horns and go out to face the cold to wake up your body. The lack of energy after going out in the cold of winter will dissipate.


Finally, natural light also has its role to play. Increase your exposure to sunlight throughout the day, whether at work or at home.


At home, let in as much natural light as possible through your windows. In addition to saving energy, your body will thank you!


Espaciel reflectors allow you to bring in more light throughout the day and improve the brightness of your home.


Thanks to natural light, say goodbye to that lack of energy!


Read more:


Feeling of cold: Consequence of the lack of natural light


Natural light to fight against seasonal depression


Winter Blues as a consequence of winter


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