

Invest in Espaciel, join the Espaciel Heroes!

Invest in Espaciel, join the Espaciel Heroes! Natural light accessible to all! When we created Espaciel in 2013, we had a vision, an ambition, a dream: to make natural light accessible to everyone. With nearly 4,000 reflectors installed in more than 20 countries, this challenge is becoming a reality. The Espaciel light reflector provides a...

Radio, television & video at 2M views: back on a Media Spring for Espaciel

Espaciel – back to a Media Spring (Radio, television and videos) Spring has been a very intense media event for Espaciel. From France 5 to RTL via our first video with more than 2 million views on Facebook, we have revealed everything about the light reflector: its history, its advantages, its unique features… We are...

Espaciel available in store at Espace Emeraude in Brest (Milizac)

Espaciel available in store at Espace Emeraude in Brest Are you looking for Espaciel reflectors in the Brest area? You can find them at Espace Emeraude, in Milizac. And for the list of all Espaciel outlets in France, Belgium and Quebec, it’s here. Espaciel is now in Brest! The whole team is proud to announce...

Colour your windows & balconies with Espaciel cladding!

Spring is coming… It’s time to embellish your exterior: colours and flowers are the watchword. Espaciel reflectors are the solution to make the most of the spring light in your home. And with our novelty, the colourful trim, put more colour in front of your windows and patio doors!     The colourful Espaciel dressing...

Objectives 2017: bring you more light and meet you!

Objectives 2017: bring you more light and meet you! With the start of the new school year behind us, we invite you to discover all that we intend to achieve for you during this new year. 2016 Balance Sheet Year in Review In 2016 we are pleased to have passed the milestone of 2000 Espaciel...

2017, a very mediatic beginning of the year for Espaciel – Videos and Articles

2017, a very mediatic beginning of the year for Espaciel – Videos and Articles The beginning of 2017 is very intense for Espaciel. From France 3 to Echos via Europe 1, 20 minutes and M-Habitat, Espaciel spent a week in the spotlight, or rather in the spotlight! Through different themes: advice, testimonials, objectives, Made in...

Espaciel puts its know-how at the service of professionals

In this article, discover how professionals: artists, architects, engineers, and contractors benefit from the experience gained from more than 4,000 installations in 24 countries. Natural light is a central concern for building occupants. It is even the primary comfort criterion for people working in an office. Recent studies show that well-being in the workplace translates...

The Espaciel blog is celebrating its first anniversary!

[:en]A year after the first post on Espaciel’s blog, we decided to interview Alexi, founder of the company. For this special occasion, we are looking back to the creation of the light reflector and talking about the news of Espaciel. Discover the interview below… Presentation of Espaciel 1- Hello Alexi, can you introduce us Espaciel?...

Natural light is life!

Launch of the blog “Natural Light and Lifestyle”. Natural light is an essential need. We all need it to feel good at home and to enjoy daily well-being and vitality. Yet there are many, many dark dwellings. Espaciel has launched an innovative solution to allow people with little light in their homes to recover natural...
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